I love shabby little cottages. I fancy mine as one. Cottages have charm, clutter, yet organized. You usually find things with chippy white paint, scrolly letters, old things, dark woods here and there, lots of white, flowers, gardens, and feeling of quiet serenity. Here are some of my pieces of art that I have made and/or painted that I consider to be part of my "Cottage Collection"
Each coaster is a slice of Siberian Elm tree. The wood was then lightly sanded, varnished, painted and varnished again for protection.
Hailey's Cottage ClothespinsThese clothespins are great for pinning up artwork, pictures, clothes, curtains, etc. I use them in my house all the time. I pin up my jewelry with them too. It's surprising how much I use them. Each clothespin is painted a nice base coat color and then I paint little roses on each of them. These one's pictured above have vinery as well. Something that I don't always add. These and other colors available in my Etsy Store. Custom orders welcome......~~~~~.....

The Cottage SignThe Cottage sign brings all the parts of Cottage Style to you. You can see the pink paint peeking out underneath the chippy cream paint, the words "the Cottage" have been carefully painted, followed by a couple of cottage rose decals then topped with a protective varnish. All of this loveliness done on a piece of antique barn wood.

Every Cottage needs birdhouses. Come see my For the Birds birdhouse and my Chic Cottage birdhouse. Both hand painted by me.
There's more cottage collection items in my Etsy Store. Please come visit my shop.
Thanks for reading.
Hailey Rosexxxx
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