New creation alert! The "Life" and "911" necklaces. Handmade pendants, made out of the ancient Siberian Elm trees that surround my little 1860's house have fun little letters nailed onto them. "L.I.F.E" and "9.1.1" I have a previous version of "H.O.P.E" that I made a couple months ago. I got a brain cramp with it and so Hope is a very basic design. Then, last night it suddenly hit me and I sat down and made these two new designs. The new designs feature ribbon, a couple beads and Organic Flax Seed Oil lightly brushed wood. In the new designs I've also set the letter tags more permanently so they don't move around as they do on the HOPE necklace.
The necklaces measure 16" and 17" and are complete with toggles to keep them around your neck.
I am able to custom create these for you too. Choose up to four letters to go on your pendant. How fun is that?
Come see more photos in my Etsy web shop. www.HaileysImpulseArt.com
And one more thing! I have my art festival this weekend. I plan to take everything (but the vintage) to my booth to sell. If you see something you want in my online shop, then you'd best get it now as it may be gone after this weekend.
Thanks for reading.
Hailey Rose
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