Let me tell you a story...
I have a shop on Etsy that I just opened up in Feb 2009 and I am excited to see where it goes from there.
Thank you for your love and support.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Vintage is Home
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What is "Upcycle?"
The term upcycling was coined by William McDonough andMichael Braungart, authors ofCradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.
I enjoy upcycling. I love to take something that someone else no longer wants and put my bit of artistic twist on it. Here's something that I recently put my "twist" on:
I picked up this frame, it was ugly, but I could see through the ugly dark red and black tones to something of beauty. I pulled off the old yucky tape, took out the lame poem, sanded it a bit, painted it white, added some flexible points on the back to keep the picture in, added a couple sawtooth hangers, cleaned it up real pretty and then I put one of my original paintings in it.
This darling upcycled wall art is available in my Etsy store as of right now.
Come see my other upcycled items as well as my photographs, paintings and other items.
Thanks for reading.
Hailey Rose
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Etsy Front Page and new items

Friday, June 12, 2009
The Cottage Collection
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So how did it go?
As many of you know, I got to experience my first ever art show this past weekend (June 4, 5 and 6). And many of you have asked, "How did it go?" In a word.....good. Not great, not amazing, not horrible, just good. I did not come home with wads of cash, I did not sell everything I took with me, and there was no way 20,000 people there (as had been advertised). It was an emotional roller coaster and I learned I'd put way too much stress on myself before the show.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Making Etsy Front Page

It's a great feeling when you get to be on the front page of Etsy. You work so hard on all your items, you put them together with thought and love and there are two great compliments. 1- someone actually buys your stuff to have in their home or give as a gift and 2- to make front page.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Festival Schedule
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New creation alert! The "Life" and "911" necklaces. Handmade pendants, made out of the ancient Siberian Elm trees that surround my little 1860's house have fun little letters nailed onto them. "L.I.F.E" and "9.1.1" I have a previous version of "H.O.P.E" that I made a couple months ago. I got a brain cramp with it and so Hope is a very basic design. Then, last night it suddenly hit me and I sat down and made these two new designs. The new designs feature ribbon, a couple beads and Organic Flax Seed Oil lightly brushed wood. In the new designs I've also set the letter tags more permanently so they don't move around as they do on the HOPE necklace.