As I start every morning out... right after brushing my teeth and brushing my hair and washing my face... I pour a bowl of cereal, something organic preferably, drenched in unsweetened organic soy milk, I open my computer and check on my Etsy.
The morning started off great, I had an email from someone on etsy who decided to feature my "Tree Ring ... Life I" in their Treasury. The Treasury on Etsy is where other Etsians can show what they like, want, are inspired by, etc. on Etsy. So if your item gets put in, it's great advertising. Here's the link to see my ring on the Treasury... http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=54523
After a nice soggy morning walk with my beloved mother, I came back to check on Etsy again. It's an addiction, I swear. LOL But I think it's a healthy one. :)
I decided to snoop through the treasuries of others to see all the neat things people find on Etsy. And guess what I found... a treasury called, "Manx and the Broom" ... I had just listed a print of the grey manx kitty and the broom and I had called it Manx and the Broom. I clicked on the treasury ... http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=54650 and there it was. Click on the link and see for yourself.
Anyway, that just totally made my day. Thought I'd share.
Thanks for reading...
Congratulations on 2 Treasuries! That is so exciting. I'm glad to hear you had a great weekend. Thanks for the nice note today. I will be getting back to you shortly. - Emily (TimelessPaper on Etsy)