Let me tell you a story...

This little blog is about me, Hailey and my pursuit of happiness. I've decided to move on from modeling and to a new chapter of my life, artisry. I paint, I take pictures and I enjoy junking for vintage goods. All of this is done with lots of day dreaming in between.

I have a shop on Etsy that I just opened up in Feb 2009 and I am excited to see where it goes from there.

Thank you for your love and support.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's the little things

(my first sale was of "Working", in 8x8)

Last night was reason to celebrate.  

As many of you know, I have been working on my art.  My last post, "Is it a Disorder" expressed my frustrations and desires with my new step forward in the Art world.  

I began to research other people's Etsy accounts.  I wanted to see, how long after one joined did they get a sale.  Some sold within a couple weeks, but for the most part the average time it took was 2 months.  So in hopes that I wouldn't die, I held my breath for my two month mark and just when I was about to pass out.... BAM, something sold.  It's been two months almost exactly. 

My goals are much larger than a mere sale a month but this at least gives me hope.  It's the little things that keep us going in life.  

No matter how small or insignificant something may seem, just remember it's the little things that keep us going.  

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. I understand how you feel! Since I joined Etsy, I felt like I wasn't doing enough to catch up to the big sellers. I have no idea what I need to do differently, but I'm trying new things each week. Keep your head up and hang in there. It is nice to know there are other people out there who feel like me. I love Etsy, but it is so hard to get noticed. Thank you very much for featuring me in your treasury today. I feel like networking on Etsy has been my goal this week. So far it has resulted in more traffic to my shop. Good luck to you and keep in touch. Let me know if you need anything. - Emily http://timelesspaper.etsy.com



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