Let me tell you a story...

This little blog is about me, Hailey and my pursuit of happiness. I've decided to move on from modeling and to a new chapter of my life, artisry. I paint, I take pictures and I enjoy junking for vintage goods. All of this is done with lots of day dreaming in between.

I have a shop on Etsy that I just opened up in Feb 2009 and I am excited to see where it goes from there.

Thank you for your love and support.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Forever O C E A N S

I just put together a new Treasury called Forever O C E A N S.  Come take a look, you can feel the breeze, smell the salt water, and hear the gulls and the ocean.

This treasury has had a lot of lookers and clickers... which is great for all of us on the Treasury.  

Thanks for reading and looking


P.S.  I've added some fresh items so come look.  www.impulseART.etsy.com

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Manx and the Broom

As I start every morning out... right after brushing my teeth and brushing my hair and washing my face... I pour a bowl of cereal, something organic preferably, drenched in unsweetened organic soy milk, I open my computer and check on my Etsy.  

The morning started off great, I had an email from someone on etsy who decided to feature my "Tree Ring ... Life I" in their Treasury.    The Treasury on Etsy is where other Etsians can show what they like, want, are inspired by, etc. on Etsy.  So if your item gets put in, it's great advertising.  Here's the link to see my ring on the Treasury... http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=54523

After a nice soggy morning walk with my beloved mother, I came back to check on Etsy again.  It's an addiction, I swear.  LOL  But I think it's a healthy one.  :) 

I decided to snoop through the treasuries of others to see all the neat things people find on Etsy.  And guess what I found... a treasury called, "Manx and the Broom" ... I had just listed a print of the grey manx kitty and the broom and I had called it Manx and the Broom.  I clicked on the treasury ... http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=54650 and there it was.  Click on the link and see for yourself.  

Anyway, that just totally made my day.  Thought I'd share.  

Thanks for reading...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's the little things

(my first sale was of "Working", in 8x8)

Last night was reason to celebrate.  

As many of you know, I have been working on my art.  My last post, "Is it a Disorder" expressed my frustrations and desires with my new step forward in the Art world.  

I began to research other people's Etsy accounts.  I wanted to see, how long after one joined did they get a sale.  Some sold within a couple weeks, but for the most part the average time it took was 2 months.  So in hopes that I wouldn't die, I held my breath for my two month mark and just when I was about to pass out.... BAM, something sold.  It's been two months almost exactly. 

My goals are much larger than a mere sale a month but this at least gives me hope.  It's the little things that keep us going in life.  

No matter how small or insignificant something may seem, just remember it's the little things that keep us going.  

Thanks for reading.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Is it a disorder?

I've never been one who can just sit still, who can stay at the same job for years and live a simple life.  My life has to be colorful, complex, and overwhelming, yet fun all in one.  What's a good name for that?  If you read enough medical reports and listen to the news, it's probably considered a "disorder."  

I don't like files, I don't like organization really.  If you hire me to organize then I will but I hate doing it on my own time.  I don't like perfection and I don't like complainers.  But, isn't that what a blog is for?  For complaining really?  Maybe not, because I will not admit to being a complainer.  

My new thing now, which I think I'd be happy if it stuck, is being an Artist.  I like the sound of it, I like the thought of it.  I like the thought of being in my own giant roaring mess making things.  Beautiful things.  Actuality I've been a starving artist for about 8 years but just now am thinking to take it more seriously.  

I mean, what better thing could I be right now in a recession... but to be an Artist making things people don't "need."  In a recession they say people only buy things they NEED.  Well, painted roses and other strange things I make may not be "needed" so I suppose I will continue to starve in my disorder.

So I have a page on etsy.com now.  www.impulseART.etsy.com is my page.  Share your thoughts with me, tell me what you think.  I love the things I make and I am just as content to let them sit on my wall than anywhere else.  But I am kind of hungry and if you buy something then maybe I could get a .99 cent taco somewhere.  Don't worry, I don't smoke or drink so I wont spend it on that sort of stuff.  

This is my first blog post on here.  I have my other blog on www.DARRENandHAILEY.com, feel free to check it out.  I think I may post some of these blogs on there or maybe i'll just tear down my blog page on my other site and refer people over to here.  

Whatever it is I do, it'll be random, with lots of thought but little action that one can ever make sense of, including me.  


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